Shilpee Lab Members

Shilpee Dutt, PI

Ketki Patkar, Scientific Assistant

Ganesh Bejjanki, Lab technician
email ID: teju1090[at]gmail[dot]com, tmahaddalkar[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in
I did my B.Sc. Biotechnology from S. S. & L. S. Patkar College of Arts & Science, University of Mumbai and MSc. Biotechnology from University of Mumbai, Santacruz, Mumbai.
The current challenges faced in the area of GBM therapeutics are therapy resistance and recurrence. To understand the molecular mechanisms driving the survival and recurrence of GBM, we have developed an in vitro model of radiation resistance from GBM cell lines and patient samples. Using this model, we have shown that after exposure to a lethal dose of radiation a small percentage of resistant residual cells survive and show multinucleated giant cell phenotype (MNGCs). Importantly, these MNGCs overcome mitotic catastrophe and undergo division to form recurrent population which has newly acquired properties of aggressiveness. My area of interest lies in elucidating the molecular mechanism of MNGC division which will provide insights to target this phenomenon for GBM therapeutics.
Apart from pursuing science, I enjoy making pencil sketches. Although I have not been trained as a singer, I love singing! And last but not the least…I love relishing different cuisines.

Tejashree Mahaddalkar

Debashmita Sarkar
email ID: debashmitasarkar710[at]gmail[dot]com
I pursued Integrated M.Sc in Biotechnology (2013-2018) from St. Xavier's College, Kolkata. The main focus of my project is to decipher the role of histone acetyltransferase, GCN5 in DNA Damage Response (DDR) pathway in Glioblastoma.
Apart from science, I like doodling, listening to music, playing badminton and various android games.
email ID: mketkar[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in, madhurak1219[at]gmail[dot]com
I completed my B.Sc Biotechnology from V.G. Vaze College and M.Sc. Biotechnology from Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai University. I am working on deciphering the mechanism behind the reversible senescence phenomena observed in Glioblastoma cells after radiation therapy. In another project, I am also trying to understand the role of Histone acetyltransferase-GCN5 in Glioblastoma.
Apart from biology, I am generally a curious person who likes to read fiction novels from different eras. Especially the ones having unintentional philosophy. I am equally passionate about nature and enjoy bird watching and jungle reading whenever possible.

Madhura Ketkar

Bhawna Singh
email ID: bhawna94singh[at]yahoo[dot]in
I finished my bachelors in Biochemistry from the Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi and masters from Pondicherry University in Biotechnology. Currently, I am trying to understand the role of BRCA2 and CDKN1A interacting protein (BCCIP) in Glioblastoma pathogenesis and as a target for therapeutic intervention.
I enjoy reading murder mysteries and classic drama books. I love to watch movies of different languages (with subtitles though) and enjoy long solitary walks.
email ID: abanerjee[at]actrec[dot]gov[dot]in, archis1991[at]gmail[dot]com
I pursued Integrated M.Sc in Life Sciences from Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi. I am working on the underlying mechanism behind the activation of Histone acetyltransferase-GCN5 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) using both bioinformatics and functional approach.
Other than coding and biology, I love being a photography enthusiast and a foodie.

Archisman Banerjee

Riya Verma
M.Sc- Dissertation